Wednesday 29 October 2008

When I woke up this morning

I thought of something really good to blog about, I even had a witty title for the post. Now I can't remember at all what it was about. So instead I will tell you about some journeying I have done recently.

On Saturday I drove to Ipswich. This journey started at about half past four. It finished at about ten past seven. It was quite a pleasant journey. I got to see a lovely sunset as I was driving. I was stopped at the services at the point of dusk that makes my eyes goes funny when I am driving. The traffic was really clear. It was dry the whole journey.

On Tuesday I did the same journey, but in reverse. It was important to do this, if I didn't I would have still been in the place where Saturday's journey took me to, and that is not the place I live. The place I live is where Saturday's journey started from, and so this is why it was important for me to do the journey in reverse.

I set of on this journey at about quarter past 4. It was dark not long after I started my journey. I was driving at that point in dusk that makes my eyes go funny. It rained pretty much the whole journey. There was a lot of surface water, meaning there was a lot of spray. There was a lot of traffic. There was one part of the road where we had to go down to one lane because of roadworks. During the whole stretch there were no road works, just some cones. Within an hour and a half of driving I passed my first full services. I didn't need to stop at this point. It was nearly two hours before I reached the next services. I really needed one before then. It took so long to get there because of the aforementioned traffic and weather. I eventually got back at about half past eight.

I much preferred the journey I made on Saturday. Partly because of the lack of traffic, good driving conditions and time it took. But also because of the people the journey was taking me to see.

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