Wednesday 29 October 2008

When I woke up this morning

I thought of something really good to blog about, I even had a witty title for the post. Now I can't remember at all what it was about. So instead I will tell you about some journeying I have done recently.

On Saturday I drove to Ipswich. This journey started at about half past four. It finished at about ten past seven. It was quite a pleasant journey. I got to see a lovely sunset as I was driving. I was stopped at the services at the point of dusk that makes my eyes goes funny when I am driving. The traffic was really clear. It was dry the whole journey.

On Tuesday I did the same journey, but in reverse. It was important to do this, if I didn't I would have still been in the place where Saturday's journey took me to, and that is not the place I live. The place I live is where Saturday's journey started from, and so this is why it was important for me to do the journey in reverse.

I set of on this journey at about quarter past 4. It was dark not long after I started my journey. I was driving at that point in dusk that makes my eyes go funny. It rained pretty much the whole journey. There was a lot of surface water, meaning there was a lot of spray. There was a lot of traffic. There was one part of the road where we had to go down to one lane because of roadworks. During the whole stretch there were no road works, just some cones. Within an hour and a half of driving I passed my first full services. I didn't need to stop at this point. It was nearly two hours before I reached the next services. I really needed one before then. It took so long to get there because of the aforementioned traffic and weather. I eventually got back at about half past eight.

I much preferred the journey I made on Saturday. Partly because of the lack of traffic, good driving conditions and time it took. But also because of the people the journey was taking me to see.

Friday 24 October 2008

The good old days

Right so Paul has got me to do this fantasy footballs thing. I don't really know what I'm doing with it, so I picked my team a bit randomly. I got an email from them today saying this will be your team, if you want to change it then do so by 11:30am tomorrow. It then listed the premiership games being played over the weekend. There are ten games. Four are being played on Saturday. Of those four only one is being played at 3pm. Whatever happened to the good old days, when all teams played at 3pm on a Saturday. It added to the excitement to listen to the scores at half time and try and work out what would happen in the league if the scores stayed the same, and then to listen to the scores at full time, or on the radio when you got back to the car and hear how those around you the league had done. And it means not being able to see highlights of all premiership games on MOTD on a Saturday night. Footballs is not what it used to be.

Thursday 23 October 2008


What's the difference between Spurs and a triangle? A triangle has three points.

Right so that is a joke I nicked from somewhere else and have now told you.

I was going to show you a funny picture here, but I can't seem to put it here - probably due to my technical incompetency. I shall see if Paul can do it when I see him at the weekend. Oh yes you heard that right, I will see Paul at the weekend. That is because we are both in Ipswich. So maybe I will see you too if that is where you are.

Tuesday 21 October 2008


I had some really scary dreams last night. In all of them this man was trying to attack me. Sometimes it was in my flat, sometimes it was in a different flat that the council were letting me stay in to try and hide me from this man. Interestingly the council flat had 7 beds in it, some of them were doubles. I couldn't work out why the council were letting me stay there when there must be families that needed big flats.

In one of the dreams this man was attacking me in a car park. There were other people about and none of them seemed that bothered I was being attacked. Then walking into view come dad, Steve, Paul, Gareth, Kev and Crug. So I think they will rescue me from this attacking man. I call to them, but they don't hear. So I start calling them all by name, they still don't hear. Calling them gets harder because the attacker man is trying to strangle me. Eventually they hear. A couple of them glance over and walk away. Some of them walk up to us, so I think they are going to help me, then they just shrug and walk away. Crug comes running over, pulling some ninja moves as he does so. I'm convinced that Crug is going to save me, but he runs right past, and helps someone who has fallen over, or something trivial like that. By this point I really can't breathe at all, and I can see all these men I know and think will help me standing watching. And then I wake up. Bizarre and scary.

In one of the dreams the man had broken into my flat. I didn't know he was there, but from the window I see two police officers notice something and come running towards my flat, so I guess that the attacker man has just come into my flat. I go out onto the landing and he is there, he grabs me by the throat, the police officers come in. I don't know what happens next because I woke up.

In another one he was in my bedroom while I was asleep. He was sitting on my legs. I woke up aware that he was there. I could hardly breathe because I was sure that he was going to do something really bad to me. He comes and stands by head, I can't feel my legs because he's been sitting on them. He is stood by my head, I am tyring to ask him who he is, because I feel that if I know who he is I can stop him doing anything to me, but I can't speak, so I can't ask him. Then I woke up, and strangely I couldn't feel my legs at all for a few minutes.

Sunday 19 October 2008

Evoking memories.

It's funny how a certain smell, or sound, or place can evoke a memory in you. Today I went to a church that is not my regular church. I went there because I had been invited to go and talk about the work I do. During the service several of the songs sung were ones that could be found on a set of CD's that were played quite a lot when my mum and auntie were in hospital and the hospice. The memory of place and emotion that came flooding back to me were overwhelming and unexpected. I have sung those songs since, so why was it that in this strange church they evoked such a strong actually and emotional memory.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Now here is something I don't understand

Why is it that when someone has had a baby they think that it is ok to show people pictures of them feeding the baby with their boobs all on display? In my world its not normal to say to someone 'here look at this picture of my boob', or send an email with a picture of your boob attached, or but pictures of your boobs on facebook. So why is it that because there is a baby attached to the boob it seems acceptable to do this?

Monday 13 October 2008


Here is a dilemma that I have. On Thursday I could go and see Deliriou5? in Cambridge. If I did this it would mean buying a ticket (using money), driving to Cambridge straight after work, and then either driving straight back home afterwards, or staying with Steve. If I took the staying with Steve option I could either get up early and drive back, or take the day off work and stay at Steve's and study. Steve is going to Ipswich on Friday, so I could not stay the whole weekend, alongside the fact that I am at an Owl Hoot on Saturday and working on Sunday. Going to see Deliriou5? would mean seeing a friend that I've not really properly seen in a while. Staying in Cambridge on the Friday means having the option of seeing some friends who moved there at the end of August. Now this all makes dilemma levels of decision making for this girl who is rubbish at decisions. Add to this the fact that a whole load of work landed at my feet this morning (including a meeting on Thursday evening, and preparing for the working on Sunday amongst other things), and it just leaves me not really knowing what to do.

Friday 10 October 2008


This very day I am going to finish work at 3pm. Then I am going to the house of my friend, from where we shall walk into town. When we are in town we are going to eat some food, and then see Jason Donovan who is performing in our local shopping centre. When we have done that we will then go and do some shopping because I need to get some clothes to wear for the Walley wedding. This in itself is all very exciting, but to add to the excitement I found five pounds in my jeans pocket this morning. I think this could be the best day ever. Well maybe not ever. But definitely the best day of the month so far.

Wednesday 8 October 2008


Right here is something that happened to me recently (that's what you write about on these blog type things isn't it?)

Someone who I work with started going out with someone. It was obvious to everyone that they were going out, lots of people were talking behind their backs about it. They hadn't told anyone that they were going out. They hadn't shown anyone they were going out (no holding hands in public or kissing was seen to be done, in fact they were rarely seen in public together). And yet everyone knew they were going out.

I asked the person I work with if he was going out with this girl, because that is the kind of person I am. He told me yes. He said that it is not a secret, but that it is not public knowledge. So I said nothing to anyone. Even though a fairly large group of people had asked me if I knew for sure they were going out. I just kept my mouth shut.

I was talking with a family who are very good friends of mine. The person I work with knows they are good friends of mine, and that they get told most things that happen in my life/that I know. They asked me if I knew if these two people were going out. I said yes they are, and told them how I knew for sure.

When they next saw him, they were talking with him about his girlfriend. He asked how they knew he was going out with this girl. They said that I had told them. This conversation happened in their home, where no one else could hear it.

I then got in trouble for having told his secrets. I don't quite understand this. Firstly he had said it wasn't a secret. Secondly, I had told some people that he knows I tell everything to, and so knows that what he says they are likely to know. Thirdly, I had know for a while before I told them, and only told them when they asked me (I wasn't going to lie to them). Fourthly, if you are going out with someone, and you want to be going out with them, and you really like them, wouldn't you want to shout it from the roof tops and let the world know?

Maybe I don't understand people. Maybe I don't understand secrets. Ho hum.

Tuesday 7 October 2008


Hull seem to be having a cracking season so far. It really warms the old cockles to know that a team from the Championship can go up to the Premiership and beat some of the bigger clubs, and (certainly for now) hold their own. I heard an interview with one of the Hull City FC types who was saying that they are not getting excited by doing well yet, they are wanting to reach 40 points (or whatever the 'safe' number of points is), and then they will start thinking about what they can actually achieve.

Tottenham on the other hand are having a rubbish season so far. And they are one of the teams that you would maybe expect to do quite well.

Sepp Blatter is calling for stricter rules on foreign ownership of clubs. I think he may have a point.

Monday 6 October 2008

Based on my extensive knowledge and experience of the music industry

I think that Louis made the right choices, apart from possibly Girl Band, although on reflection they maybe they would just scrape into the top three, Cheryl made the right decisions, Simon made all of the wrong decisions, Danii I think made the wrong decisions as well.

Friday 3 October 2008


I am doing this college course. Yesterday evening I sat down to do some reading for an essay. It took me half an hour to read four pages. And this was meant to be one of the lighter easier books. Maybe this study thing is all a bit of a mistake.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

I told a lie

I said that I got everything off the shopping list. This is a lie. I had mayonnaise on the list, but I didn't buy any because I didn't see it when I walked past it, and I couldn't be bothered to go back for it. However when I got home I found a new jar in the cupboard that I previously hadn't seen there. I wonder if I have mayonnaise blindness.