Friday 29 May 2009


Right so here is a thing that I don't actually understand. Why is it that when there is no-one else in the office (like all week) I get more distracted and find it harder to work than when there are other people around?? I don't actually understand that.

Wednesday 27 May 2009


We had an interesting discussion at the boyfriends cell group last night (note that subtle mention of new man in life). We were looking at Psalm 25, which appears to have themes of forgiveness, guidance and protection running through it. We were then talking about whether you need God's forgiveness before you get/accept his guidance. And then had a bit of a discussion about God's guidance, and God's path for us. There were three points of view represented.

1. God has only one path for us, if we wander from it we have to get back to it.
2. God has many plans and paths for us. Wandering from one path does not necessarily mean we have to get back to that path.
3. God knows where we are going and our wanderings become part of his plan for us, therefore God only has one path for us, the one that we are on.

I joined the conversation arguing point 2, but now I am having to think about point 3.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Tommy K

I bought some Heinz organic tomato ketchup because it was ridiculously reduced. Oh my word I think I have died and gone to ketchup heaven. It is so amazing. I am going to be so sad when it is finished and I have to revert to normal ketchup. In honour of the amazing ketchup this weeks sandwiches have had a corned beef and ketchup filling.

In other food news I made a really random curry yesterday, it was one of those that had in it any ingredients that needed using up. It was quite tasty. In the process of cooking I did manage to spill uncooked rice all over the floor. In the process of dishing up I managed to spill cooked rice all over the floor. I'm not quite sure what the rice had done to deserve being spilt quite so much.

Friday 15 May 2009

Life as a student who works full time means....

- writing as many words and reading as many books a day as you can squeeze in between everything else. This is hard as your brain has to keep switching modes.
- spending lots of money on books, and finding creative ways to stay awake and squeeze study time in around everything else.
- getting home from work, being tired, and still having to keep the brain switched on and find motivation (oh if only there was a library to study in.)
- never having time to go out
- having a real life job that carries responsibility and is all scary and grown up, but also really complicated
- not much time or inclination to blog
- wondering what on earth you used to do with your time, and what friends are. Now you come to mention friends, I did used to have some of those but work and study seem to have taken over my life, maybe I will find some again when I have more time.

Oh to be a full time student.

Saturday 9 May 2009

The most unpleasant experience of my week.

The other evening I went to see a friend to take my spare key back to them. I had had to use the spare key when I left my not-spare key at work. I find it best to take it back to them so that the next time I lose my not-spare key I can still get into my flat. As I was walking back to my flat I rang Paul. We were having a lovely little chat when I heard something make a big bang or pop kind of noise. I looked around and saw a lot of feathers and a pigeon kind of fly up into the air. The pigeon made it across the verge and onto the pavement, where it kind of lolloped around before stopping moving. 'Paul,' I said, 'I have just seen a pigeon get hit by a car.' 'Is that what that big bang kind of noise was,' he says. 'Yes', I said. And then I stood by the road for a bit not knowing what to do, and feeling quite sick. Paul kept on talking to me, and I carried on on my way home. I don't think I want that to happen again soon please thank you.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


I thought I was having stir fry for my tea tonight. When it was defrosted it turned out to be chili. The chili turned out to be better than the stir fry would've been. End of story.