Thursday 27 May 2010

This weekend is camping weekend

This weekend we are off camping. It will be the first time we have properly used the new tent and the new camping equipment. We have worked out that it will all fit in the car, but we have not actually worked out if everything will fit into the tent. I guess if it doesn't we can always use the car as extra storage. Either way I can't help but feel that there will be more room in the tent than there is in the house.

Tuesday 25 May 2010


I have just watched the last episode of Ashes to Ashes and was kinda disappointed. I had enjoyed Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes until that point. And then in the last episode we found out that everything we had thought previously was not as we had been led to believe it was. It was very strange. I'm still not sure I fully understand what it was all about. But it did make me wonder how often we live our lives, or part of lives, as a lie. As people we can try and be who others want us to be in in order to be accepted. We cut out parts of our lives that don't fit in in certain circumstances, and we exaggerate other parts. And then sometimes we just completely be ourselves. Although the more you get used to living not as you, the real you starts to feel less like you.

Wednesday 19 May 2010


I have just been listening to a debate about whether parents should push their children into particular careers/uni courses, or allow their children to follow their hearts. Surely if a parent pushes their child into something they are not happy doing they are just moving towards a working life of unhappiness. Our parents have allowed us to make our own choices, whilst offering advice and support. This has led us all to follow very different paths based on things we enjoy and what our intellect will allow. Had we have been forced or heavily encouraged into something our parents wanted and not what we wanted I can't see that we would be as happy as we are.

On another note - apparently left handers die earlier than right handers.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Wiping the dust off

It has been a very long time since anything has happened around here, I am thinking about changing that although I guess that everyone has stopped reading it anyway. But I have some thoughts I need to release somewhere and this might be the place.

But just for the minute I need to go and make a shopping list because I keep having a forget about the things I need to put on it.