Tuesday 21 October 2008


I had some really scary dreams last night. In all of them this man was trying to attack me. Sometimes it was in my flat, sometimes it was in a different flat that the council were letting me stay in to try and hide me from this man. Interestingly the council flat had 7 beds in it, some of them were doubles. I couldn't work out why the council were letting me stay there when there must be families that needed big flats.

In one of the dreams this man was attacking me in a car park. There were other people about and none of them seemed that bothered I was being attacked. Then walking into view come dad, Steve, Paul, Gareth, Kev and Crug. So I think they will rescue me from this attacking man. I call to them, but they don't hear. So I start calling them all by name, they still don't hear. Calling them gets harder because the attacker man is trying to strangle me. Eventually they hear. A couple of them glance over and walk away. Some of them walk up to us, so I think they are going to help me, then they just shrug and walk away. Crug comes running over, pulling some ninja moves as he does so. I'm convinced that Crug is going to save me, but he runs right past, and helps someone who has fallen over, or something trivial like that. By this point I really can't breathe at all, and I can see all these men I know and think will help me standing watching. And then I wake up. Bizarre and scary.

In one of the dreams the man had broken into my flat. I didn't know he was there, but from the window I see two police officers notice something and come running towards my flat, so I guess that the attacker man has just come into my flat. I go out onto the landing and he is there, he grabs me by the throat, the police officers come in. I don't know what happens next because I woke up.

In another one he was in my bedroom while I was asleep. He was sitting on my legs. I woke up aware that he was there. I could hardly breathe because I was sure that he was going to do something really bad to me. He comes and stands by head, I can't feel my legs because he's been sitting on them. He is stood by my head, I am tyring to ask him who he is, because I feel that if I know who he is I can stop him doing anything to me, but I can't speak, so I can't ask him. Then I woke up, and strangely I couldn't feel my legs at all for a few minutes.

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