Sunday 24 June 2007

I passed!!

I passed my course! With merit! Got much more for my dissertation than I thought I would. It's graduation next weekend, I am looking forward to that very much. It will be lovely to see college friends again.

I went to a wedding yesterday. The wedding was very lovely indeed. Afterwards it did some raining. The church was 15 minutes away from the car park. I got rather soaked through. I found it amusing. Some other wet people didn't seem to be amused by being wet. We had high tea. I've never had that before. It could also have been called small tea.

Monday 18 June 2007


Life feels a bit limbo like at the mo. People are starting to take over bits of my job. I don't have a new job to go to. I want to be packing and such like but until I have a new job I have no reason to pack. I am trying to make sure friendships with people I want to keep in contact with when I am not so in Ipswich are deep enough to keep going when I am not here. I am trying not to act like there are friendships I'm not that bothered about so people don't think I'm being rude. I am hoping that this week I will find out if I have interviews for a couple of jobs I have applied for. I also need to fill in a couple more application forms I have. I have already started missing some things and people, even though I am still here, and still seeing them. I think it is the knowing that I will miss them that makes me already miss them.

I get my final college results tomorrow, the ones that say if I have passed the course or not. I am hoping that it will not be or not.

Thursday 7 June 2007

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

Yesterday I went for a run. I am meant to be practising running to be ready to do the Race for Life. Yesterdays run was bad. I just don't do running, my mind doesn't do it, my body doesn't do it, so it has been hard work the whole way through, however I did think I was getting somewhere. My current run is nearly 2 miles, I have to run a bit walk a bit coz I'm not fit enough to run lots. So anyway yesterdays run, my legs felt like lead and didn't want to pick up from the ground, I felt like I was running uphill the whole time despite the whole run being flat, and then I nearly hyper-ventilate. This does sometimes happen when I run, I blame it all on a very bad running experience when I was in year 8. So yes, I feel wholly unconfident about doing the whole Race for Life. I have to be able to run some of it coz walking three miles is a doddle so I can't ask people to sponsor me if I don't run it. Bleurgh.

Today I am getting ready for Sizewell at the weekend, and for youth group tonight. I love youth group, but it has been 6 months since I last led it (coz I've had too much of other work). These leaves me feeling a little bit trepidacious - only a little bit mind.

Tomorrow I get the day with Paul - woohoo!!!! nuf sed.