Wednesday 23 July 2008


Occasionally I like to read old blog post. Not just on here but on other people's blogs too. It reminds of things that have happened in the past that I might have forgotten about. It is a nice thing to do. It also makes me think I should blog more so that when I forget things I have a way of remembering them. The trouble is I just don't remember to blog.

Monday 21 July 2008


I am a little bit sad today. Paul and Steve came up to stay this weekend. Now they are gone I am a bit sad. My flat feels all empty. There is no-one to cook with. Or to chat with. Or to play games with. Or to question as to who is responsible for that smell. Or to pop out on a little walk with. Or any of the things you quickly get used to when there are people around. I am also a little bit sad because I don't actually know when I am going to see them again.

I am a little bit happy today. I have only three half days left of working with someone who is hard to get on with. I have only three days left before going to Soul Survivor. It is only 10 days before Rich comes to visit on his trip round the country (he's doing it all for free, trying to not spend any money, and in the process raise money for the Christian Alliance Housing Association). It is only 11 days before Ben and Leanne come for a weekend of birthday fun. It is only 19 days until camp, that is going to be a whole load of fun. It is only 32 days until Greenbelt. There is a lot of happy making things coming up in the next month or so.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Top speeling

This are some words I came across today when writing some things some 7 year olds had written.


I was able to work out what they all said. This either means my spelling is not so great, or I have read a lot of things small children have written and have developed the knack of working out what they mean.

Thursday 10 July 2008

This made me do a little cry, but I am a bit soft.

Right being a bit on the not bright side I can't work how to do this properly so you will just have to click on this here link. Try and have the sound on, although it's still good without.

(ignore the last 30 seconds, he manages to turn something very moving into a 'give us lots of money' bit - some people eh!)

Wednesday 9 July 2008


Yesterday I did this thing called ‘having a birthday’ (my thanks if you sent birthday greetings). Now normally I don’t really like ‘having a birthday’. But yesterday I quite enjoyed it.

I think one of the things I don’t much like about ‘having a birthday’ is celebrating it. I don’t like having to do the thinking about how to celebrate, who to invite, and then actually doing the celebration. I do sometimes think about doing nothing. My fear then is that someone will either take over and organise something that I don’t want to do with people I don’t want to celebrate with, or that someone will organise a surprise. I dislike surprises more than I dislike ‘having a birthday’. So I normally sort something myself.

Last year I combined it with doing a ‘Ruthie is leaving’ thing, so that the focus was off ‘having a birthday’. The year before lots of us watched a film in the park and I got really rather tipsy (which took my focus off ‘having a birthday’.)

So this year, why did I actually quite enjoy it? Well mostly because I didn’t celebrate it. Very few people where I now live knew it was my birthday. Those that did know know I don’t like celebrating it, so let me not celebrate. No one mentioned it when we were in school, so the children didn’t know. I went to someone’s for tea, they just said ‘happy birthday’ and gave me a card, didn’t make any more of it than that. And then in the evening I went crown green bowling with people from church (most of whom had no idea it was my birthday). And so by not celebrating I actually had an incredibly pleasant birthday.

For those of you who think it makes me sound all rather boring, I am being made to celebrate this Friday, but it was organised all last minute so hardly anyone could come, so I can pretend it has nothing to do with my birthday and is just about a few friends having fun. And then there will be a weekend later in the month when I see family and so I might use the excuse of it having been my birthday recently to get them to cook me dinner and buy me beer, and another weekend next month when I shall be involved in a triple birthday celebration with some dear friends as at the beginning of the year we decided this would be more fun than buying each other presents. Somehow though, those celebrations being not that close to my birthday make them ok celebrations. So yes, this year I think I coped rather well with ‘having a birthday’, mostly by not having one.

Monday 7 July 2008

I have got some new glasses

I've not really got much more to say than that. Other than maybe I have two new pairs of glasses. They are both wider than my old glasses, which means I can clearly see more of the world around me.