Wednesday 8 October 2008


Right here is something that happened to me recently (that's what you write about on these blog type things isn't it?)

Someone who I work with started going out with someone. It was obvious to everyone that they were going out, lots of people were talking behind their backs about it. They hadn't told anyone that they were going out. They hadn't shown anyone they were going out (no holding hands in public or kissing was seen to be done, in fact they were rarely seen in public together). And yet everyone knew they were going out.

I asked the person I work with if he was going out with this girl, because that is the kind of person I am. He told me yes. He said that it is not a secret, but that it is not public knowledge. So I said nothing to anyone. Even though a fairly large group of people had asked me if I knew for sure they were going out. I just kept my mouth shut.

I was talking with a family who are very good friends of mine. The person I work with knows they are good friends of mine, and that they get told most things that happen in my life/that I know. They asked me if I knew if these two people were going out. I said yes they are, and told them how I knew for sure.

When they next saw him, they were talking with him about his girlfriend. He asked how they knew he was going out with this girl. They said that I had told them. This conversation happened in their home, where no one else could hear it.

I then got in trouble for having told his secrets. I don't quite understand this. Firstly he had said it wasn't a secret. Secondly, I had told some people that he knows I tell everything to, and so knows that what he says they are likely to know. Thirdly, I had know for a while before I told them, and only told them when they asked me (I wasn't going to lie to them). Fourthly, if you are going out with someone, and you want to be going out with them, and you really like them, wouldn't you want to shout it from the roof tops and let the world know?

Maybe I don't understand people. Maybe I don't understand secrets. Ho hum.

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