Tuesday 4 March 2008

This weekend had some fun moments

This weekend I was in Ipswich. It had some fun moments. They included:

Barn dancing
Going to Felixstowe with bruv 3
Clearing out a cupboard at an old work place
An 80's disco
Eating a jacket potato
Jumping on a bouncy castle
Watching Shaun the Sheep
Chatting with people I hadn't seen for a couple of months
Being told I was missed (although I do always find it slightly strange being told I am missed when I was fairly undervalued in the place I was missed, if what I was doing was of value enough to now be missed, why did no-one make it known it was of value when I was doing it. Hmmm)
Hearing a good speaker man (the only church type person I've seen who has catered for all learning styles and preferences)
A cracking afternoon nap
Two fun pub nights
Good leek and potato soup
Top worship
Some people who don't normally talk to me talking to me
Making up a dance
Tea with Steve

Some things that were not really as much fun:

Mothering Sunday
Being ignored by some people
Consequences of a great pub night
Aches from dancing
Not having a conversation that might have been helpful if it had taken place (although I was not sure what I think about the conversation that might have been helpful, so I couldn't really initiate it)
A minister who does not listen
Not sleeping well
Mad weather while journeying
Not seeing Paul

From this we can deduce there was more fun things than not so fun things. Isn't that lovely.


Anonymous said...

bruv 3?

worst nickname ive ever been given

Anonymous said...

My weekend was bad because I didn't see Paul too.

Ruthie said...

Gareth - it was more description than nickname.

Mark - I don't think Paul realises how many people's weekends he makes bad by not seeing them.