Friday 9 January 2009


One of the school's I work in has a service in church at the beginning and end of each term. Sometimes I participate in this service, sometimes I just go along for the fun of it. Yesterday I was meant to be going to the service for the fun of it, but ended up operating the sound desk. This should not have been a tricky job. The system had been turned on and set up. Only one mic was being used, and that could be left on when it wasn't being used. For two of the songs being sung CD's were being used. A different CD for each one. For the first song I put the CD in the CD player, cued up the track and got ready to press play. When it was time to press play I pressed the eject button. This did not play the CD, instead it ejected it. So I had to reinsert CD, cue up the right track again and then press play. While everyone was waiting. When I had done this and pressed play the CD wasn't playing loud enough so everyone missed the beginning of the track while I worked out how to turn it up. For the second song I put the CD in, got the track lined up and managed to press the play button at the right time and have the volume at the right level. Just after the song two children were leading some prayers. The song stopped, one of the children said 'Now we are going to pray' and then another song started. I had forgotten to press the stop button on the CD player. I wonder if I will get asked to do that job again.

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