Monday 30 June 2008

Gareth wins

Well done Gareth. You had the winning team. That makes you a winner! As your prize you can claim a hug off any/all the Armstrong's. I'm told the final was a good game. I couldn't watch it coz it made me feel too nervous. I watched Top Gear instead. It wasn't so funny this week, and there was a lot in about cars. Dr Who was good this week. Does anyone know if he actually regenerates? It's just that normally you hear about that kind of thing in the news, and I've not heard anything. Today I heard some of my least favourite words. They are 'with Scott Mills coz Chris is on holiday'. I don't like those words very much. But it does mean I get ready quicker in the morning coz I spend less time lying in bed listening to the radio.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I could spoil Dr Who as i've seen secret photos of the Christmas special. But I won't.

Ruthie said...

I hate being kept in suspense! I've heard rumours of regeneration going wrong and there being two doctors, but I don't know if there's any truth in that or not.