Friday 15 May 2009

Life as a student who works full time means....

- writing as many words and reading as many books a day as you can squeeze in between everything else. This is hard as your brain has to keep switching modes.
- spending lots of money on books, and finding creative ways to stay awake and squeeze study time in around everything else.
- getting home from work, being tired, and still having to keep the brain switched on and find motivation (oh if only there was a library to study in.)
- never having time to go out
- having a real life job that carries responsibility and is all scary and grown up, but also really complicated
- not much time or inclination to blog
- wondering what on earth you used to do with your time, and what friends are. Now you come to mention friends, I did used to have some of those but work and study seem to have taken over my life, maybe I will find some again when I have more time.

Oh to be a full time student.

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