Monday 10 November 2008


I flicked Radio 2 on on Saturday when Jonathan Ross should have been doing his show, and later in the day when Russell Brand should have been doing his show. They have replaced them with possibly the two most boringest people ever to have graced the air waves. I think it was Richard Allinson and Alex Lester. They are quite often used to fill in when other DJs are away and they are boring then. This means that they have replaced the two most entertaining DJs with the two most boringest ones. I don't think this is very clever of them, they shall lose listeners aplenty. I am not even going to go on now about the wrongness of Brand and Ross not being on the radio, ask me sometime it you are interested and I will bore you with my views.

The other thing that has annoyed me about the radios is a thing on Jeremy Vine today. It was about the goalkeeper who had done some drunk driving and caused an accident and some people did die. That is all quite sad really. But they were going on on the radio about the victims and speaking as if goalkeeper man has no remorse and won't suffer for what he has done, and speaking as if the relatives of the dead people were the only people that will carry this through with them for the rest of their lives. They were also saying that Norris's goal celebration on Saturday was a bad thing. So when one of our friends has done a bad we are meant to not be friends with them and not support them and help them through what they have done? The people on there were silly and did annoy me.

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