Friday 29 August 2008

Mamma Mia

I saw this film about a week ago. A lot of people had told me that I would really enjoy it, so I thought I should trundle along. I had not read anything about it, or heard anything about its storyline. I realise this was a bit of a mistake for me, because I like to know whats going on. I had gone with someone who had seen it a couple of times before. In the first 15 minutes or so they did have to tell me several times to 'just watch it' instead of asking them what was going on, and who was that, and what are they doing, and are they related etc. When I did know what was going on though I really quite enjoyed. I didn't feel like any of the songs had been levered in, which could so easily have happened. It had Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth in it, so plenty of eye candy, no-one seemed to mind a bit of singing along (although not many people outside of those I was with seemed to sing a long). There was a bit of it that made me cry. There were lots of bits that made me laugh. Some bits made me laugh a lot. I walked out of the cinema wanting to see it again on the big screen, I think that is quite a good indicator that I rather enjoyed it.

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