Tuesday 8 January 2008

Top tops

It seems to be the season for top 5's and look backs at the year gone and all that kinda malarkey. So here is mine. It may be the start of a series, or may just be a one off. By not deciding now I am making it more exciting for the all of us. For me it is exciting because I don't know what I'm going to decide, so I don't know yet if I need to think up more tops, and for you all it is terribly exciting because you won't know if the next time you read this here blog there will be another top something, or something completely different. So excitement all round!

Anyway for now, my top five tops.

Number one has to be my brown jumper. It is smart enough to wear for work, and goes with two of my three pairs of work trousers. And it is casual enough to wear not at work, and goes with all of my non-work trousers. It is a fairly loose so I don't feel too fat in it, and it makes me look like a half decent individual. So number one - brown jumper.

Number 2 I think would be my green and white longish kind of blouse but it doesn't have buttons all the way down top. This is great because it covers my bum, doesn't show my tummy, and gives my boobs a bit of shape. It also goes with all bar two pairs of my trousers. Number two - green and white longish blouse type top.

Number 3 is my Howie's jumper. This jumper is fab. It is reversible (number one reason for fabness). It goes most other items of clothing I own (number two reason for fabness). It is made from organic fairly traded stuff (number three reason for fabness). I bought it in the sale (number four reason for fabness). It has a hood (number five reason for fabness). I think that is enough reasons. Number three - Howie's jumper.

Number 4 is my orange, red and white top. This was bought in the sale for my graduation. It was a good day when I wore it, which is part of what makes it a good top. I also had straight hair that day, which is just a point of interest and nothing to do with the goodness of the top. It is slightly elasticy which means as seasons change and with them my shape it adapts nicely. I feel good when I am wearing it. It is orange, white and red, for me that would be reason enough. It's down side is it can only really be worn in the more summer of the months. Number four - orange, red and white top.

Number 5 is my blue t-shirt with some swirling gold bits on it. It is not a very special top, but I feel a little bit special when I wear it, and for that reason I like it. Number five - blue t-shirt with some swirling gold bits on.

So there we have it top tops. Come back some other time for the exciting possibility of another blog in the exciting top five range.

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