Wednesday 14 November 2007


We had a largish event at the weekend. I had done the planning and preparation for it, and was running the event itself. We are running the same event this weekend and next weekend in different locations. To be able to know what worked and what didn't in order to make any necessary changes for this and next weekend I asked the team what had worked really well and what could be improved. Other than 'the whole thing was good' no-one could come up with any positive things. However there were several areas for improvement. This left me feeling really dejected and wondering why we even bothered. On reflection, the areas for improvement were small, minor tweaks to be made. Having spoken to a couple of people it would appear that when these events have run in the past there has been little good to say and so little good has been said. The people that help have got used to this being the pattern and so struggle to comment on the positive. They have now told me the things that worked well. So now I don't feel quite so dejected. But I would encourage anyone who has to give feedback to anyone about anything to major on the positive. It is really gutting when people pick holes in something you have worked hard on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet it was funnier than the last one.