Monday 18 June 2007


Life feels a bit limbo like at the mo. People are starting to take over bits of my job. I don't have a new job to go to. I want to be packing and such like but until I have a new job I have no reason to pack. I am trying to make sure friendships with people I want to keep in contact with when I am not so in Ipswich are deep enough to keep going when I am not here. I am trying not to act like there are friendships I'm not that bothered about so people don't think I'm being rude. I am hoping that this week I will find out if I have interviews for a couple of jobs I have applied for. I also need to fill in a couple more application forms I have. I have already started missing some things and people, even though I am still here, and still seeing them. I think it is the knowing that I will miss them that makes me already miss them.

I get my final college results tomorrow, the ones that say if I have passed the course or not. I am hoping that it will not be or not.

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