Monday 8 December 2008


Christian mission can only happen when Christian people understand the sending nature of God.

I'm not so sure I agree with this statement, do you?


the real Phil Brown said...

yeah, I'm not sure... I mean, he sends - but we're so full of things like 'his sending nature' etc...

A book I want to read is by John Piper - 'let the nations be glad'. 'Cos it's him, I guess it'll go something along the lines of "God is most glorified us, when we are most satisfied in him - so the primary reason for 'missions' is worship".

If any of you speak Spanish, it's free online in Spanish!

So ya... What are you thinking?

Ruthie said...

Well I'm not entirely sure what I'm thinking, something along the lines of God doesn't need us to understand him for him to be able to do stuff, but if we do try to understand him a bit more then it is easier for us to join in with what he is doing.