Thursday 13 December 2007

Sparked partly by Gareth's blog and partly by cell group

Our vicar was talking about the old Pullman trilogy at cell group last night. He had had an email from a friend waffling about it. It was an interesting discussion as no one there had read any of the books or seen the film! Our general consensus was that we need to have knowledge of them before we can comment on them (despite desperate efforts on the vicars part to get us to comment). But I think that actually there is a good point in all that. There will be a lot of people (mostly Christians) who will be passing comment on the film (and books), who will be saying how awful it is that these things that are not of or for God should be allowed. And saying that we should not engage with them at all. However I think that it is important that we do watch the film/read the books so that we can talk intelligently about them. I know that there will be a lot of talk among children/young people about them. I would rather know what the children I am working with are talking about and be able to join in on their conversations than be ignorant about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - Damaris Trust are already on the case on this, and have some interesting things to say about how the film is not true to the book - what should Christians make of that?
Lucy x