Wednesday 24 October 2007

Man and Van

The man who lives in the flat below me has a van. It is a white van that is used for work purposes. It is quite large, and parked outside my window when the man is not at work (or using it for social purposes). Until last week it had one sticker on each side with the name of the company he works for. This week it has stickers all over it, stating what the company does, phone number, website address (which doesn't exist btw), etc. This is just something that I have observed this week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Today, advertisement on a car is a really workable and profitable thing and of course, not expensive. Many companies have knew about it, that is why they want their ads to be everywhere, in every their own car. In New York, almost every van man working for a company has stickers on a car, and sometimes there are so many stickers, that it is a difficult to find what color the car is.
It is a business!